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ASM Primer - Part 2

Conditional Statements

Here’s an example of an if-elseif-else conditional statement.

    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    test [ebp+0x8], [ebp+0x8]
    jnz loc_block2
    push off_you_win
    call foo
    jmp end

        cmp -1, [ebp+0x8]
        jne loc_block3
        push off_you_lose
        call foo
        jmp end

        push off_error_check_machine
        call foo

        mov -1, [ebp+0x8]

    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp

// Pseudocode
void checker(int *arg) {
    if (*arg == 0){
        foo("You win!")
    } else if (*arg == -1) {
        foo("You lose...");
    } else {
        foo("Error. Check machine");

    // End
    *arg = -1;

The main thing to note about simple conditional statements (not multiple conditions like AND, OR, NOT, etc.) is that the comparison is inverted. We’ll take a look at complex conditionals later on in this article.


A great example of a loop is below

lea edx, [eax+1]

    mov cl, [eax]
    add eax, 1

    test cl, cl
    jnz loc_12345

sub eax, edx

// Pseudocode
int strlen(const char *eax) {
    const char* edx = eax+1;

    char c = eax[0];
    while (c != NULL) {
        eax += 1;
        c = *eax;

    return edx - eax;

An example of a for loop

mov eax, 0
    cmp eax, 10
    jnl end

    call foo
    add eax, 1
    jmp loc_12345
    // Whatever...

// Pseudocode
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// whatever...

Another great live example

xor esi, esi # control variable
loc_123456:             | <- Start of loop body
    push off_494949[esi]  |
    lea eax, [ebp-2c0h]   |
    push eax              | function call: 
    call sub_323232       | - push 2 arguments to stack
    pop ecx               | - call
    pop ecx               | - pop two local variables (cdecl style)
    test eax, eax    | <- test condition (is eax null)
    jz loc_end       
    add esi, 4       | increment and compare the control variable
    cmp esi, 38h     |
    jb short loc_123456 # end of loop body


Usually, you should always rely on IDA Pro or your disassembler of choice since they have good heuristics to identify a loop body, but this is an ASM primer so we’ll do stuff manually.

Assembly is just like any programming language: when one looks at it long enough, your eye starts to cluster the letters in patterns that it can identify later. A good example of this is:

lea eax, [ebp-2c0h]

There’s a lot going on here. I got taken back when I first saw this operation. I had to slow down and break it down. Now, my eye can catch what’s happening and has clustered it into patterns:

How to quickly identify a loop (without IDA)

Complex Conditional statements

We’ll take the same example of simple conditional statements from above and modify it to include multiple cases

    push ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    cmp 1, [ebp+0x8]
    jmp loc_block1

    cmp 0, [ebp+0xc]
    jge loc_block2

        push off_machine_broken
        call foo
        mov esp, ebp
        pop ebp

        cmp 0, [ebp+0x8]
        jl loc_block3
        cmp 10, [ebp+0x8]
        jge loc_block3
        push off_you_lose
        call foo

        cmp 10, [ebp+0x8]
        jl loc_block4
        cmp 100, [ebp+0x8]
        jge loc_block4
        push off_you_win_big
        call foo

        mov -1, [ebp+0x8]

    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp

// Pseudocode
void slot_machine(int isBroken, int *score) {
    if (isBroken || *score < 0) {
        foo("Machine is broken...")

    if (*score >= 0 && *score < 10){
        foo("You lose...")
    } else if (*score >= 10 && *score < 100) {
        foo("You win BIG!!!!");

    // End
    *score = -1;